The store was tiny but well-stocked with beautiful jewelry and other fragile, shiny things. I looked around for a few minutes, deciding what gifts I'd buy and for whom if money was no object. Then I went to the counter and the saleswoman helped me find a ring that fit. It took a few tries because I have my paternal grandfather's chunky fingers, but the fourth one was perfect. I admired it for a moment before deciding to buy it.
"Would you like to wear it out?" The saleswoman asked.
"Oh, sure," I said.
"Right then. Does anyone have your heart?"
I knew what she meant, and being very much single I said no, no one had my heart, and she told me to turn the ring around so the crown pointed to my wrist instead of my fingernail.
But even as I answered no, I knew I was lying. Someone very much has my heart. She stole it almost a year ago and I think she'll have it forever.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
as it should be! ;0)
Wow. This is such an amazingly sweet post. Thanks for sharing! :)
Isn't it crazy how babies steal our hearts so easily
I think closer to your heart is cuter anyway ...because that little Roo IS your heart. (PS I always had a girl - crush on those rings because I saw one once on an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)
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