Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm Sure I'll Rant About This Later ...

... As a matter of fact, I know I will. But I just want to say this now, while the thought is fresh in my mind.

Having a baby out of wedlock doesn't make a woman a horrible, evil person. It just means she's made some mistakes. It doesn't mean she should be treated like crap. It doesn't mean you're better than she is just because you've never made those mistakes. Those mistakes aren't your business. They're between her and God, and they're not for you to judge.

Jesus said to love everyone. He didn't say to love only perfect people. If you read the scriptures you'll notice that He spent His time with the sick and the afflicted - with the sinners and the lepers. He wasn't mean to them. He treated them kindly, He taught them to be better, and He loved them.

So if you want to judge me and treat me rudely, fine. Just don't do it under the guise of Christianity. We both know better than that.


Margaret said...

Oh dear! Sounds like someone (not you) has issues with everyone not being perfect. I remember being told by guys that they would not marry me because I wasn't a virgin due to being raped at the age of 11. Some people really need to grow up. We all make mistakes in our lives,it is part of being human. What we do with our mistakes either makes us a better person or someone very bitter.

I am not perfect and really don't wish to be perfect, I do wish to be better tomorrow then I was today.


Lara Zierke said...

An interesting thing about a woman who has a child out of wedlock - her mistakes are completely public and there's nothing she can do about it. I wonder how we all would feel (and deal) if all our mistakes were as public as a pregnant belly.


Unknown said...

Is there a perfect person on this planet? I'd like to meet him. Even the prophet needs to repent some times. I also know the prophet would welcome you into his home and love you as much as he would his own daughter. He wouldn't look at you and see your mistakes, he would look at you and see the wonderful daughter of God that you are. It's sad that person is so far from what God wants them to be, which is a loving person.

Isn't church for those who commit sin? Isn't that why we take the sacrament every single week? If people were perfect, or even close to being perfect, we wouldn't need the opportunity to take the sacrament so often.

I'm disgusted that someone said something like that to you. Shame on them. Judge not. Love one another. Did they flunk Primary? I know that was uncalled for but they were out of line.

Jill, the only difference between you and me is that one of your mistakes was visible to everyone. I can hide all of mine. Too bad that person who was judgmental towards you couldn't have their mistakes worn on the outside, instead of being kept to themselves. Do they not realize that is exactly what the atonement is for? Do they not realize we are put on this earth to make choices, learn from our mistakes, and to help our fellow man get through life the best way that we can?

Another thing, with this blog you have the capability of helping a young girl, who just wants to be loved, and may be making the same mistake, to realize that they are important and that they should be treated with respect.
(I'm not as eloquent as you!) You just might help a young girl realize that she is worth waiting for, which will change her life. And, if a young girl finds herself in your shoes, your blog is here to offer her support, words of love, and encouragement. You have compassion for others.

Don't let the meanies get you down. I for one have never looked down on you. I have always admired you for your strength.

Unknown said...

How did Christ treat the adulterous woman? If Christ can love and show compassion for a woman who committed adultery, then I guess we should love one another too.

Candace said...

I SO agree with this!!!

LeMira said...

Errrrrr! That's me growling. . .

Que and Brittany's Adoption Journey said...

Please tell me this person didn't tell you this at church.

jgirl said...

THANK YOU!!! This has got to be at or near the very top of my pet-peeves list. NO ONE deserves to be treated poorly for their past transgressions, period. (((HUGS)))

S said...

I agree that there is not one perfect person on this planet. People can say some mean things about others. Everyone makes mistakes, some of those people can keep there mistakes hidden and other cant. But there is no reason for anyone judging anyone else for the mistakes they have made in there lives.

I think you are an amazing person!

Mary said...

I sure am relieved I'm not perfect- it would take a lot of effort to "cast stones" at others all day!

Ann Michelle said...

I believe the Savior said something along the lines of "he without sin - let him cast the first stone" and all the accusers went away! Shame on whoever said that to you!

Bean Sprouts said...

You may be my new best friend.
Thank you for this post.
Getting pregnant at 16, and placing my daugther with adoptive parents was hard enough....then the comments about me having a child out of wedlock start. Finally life goes on, and when I get pregnant with my son (still out of wedlock) they start again. Well screw all of you, my boyfriend and I love each other and provide a happy stable home for our son. Will a marriage license really change any of that?

CCmomma said...

Amen! we have all made different choices and I know I'm not perfect- People should look inward before they judge others (mind you on my blog I'm totally judging my thug relatives- who are asking for it:) Read and you will understand why. Thanks for being AWESOME YOU!

AubreyMo said...

Roses are red, violets are blue, and haters suck. Especially those who think they are above others, or those who think they are in ANY position to judge anyone.

Love you. Lots.