Sunday, October 31, 2010

Two Things ...

1) I am feeling much, much better since I posted last. I know that there are people who think that it's not good to deeply feel negative emotions, and that's fine for them, but I'm the sort of person who has to let something out before I can get past it, and that's what happened. I let it out, and I feel a million times better. Also, I got a new Roo video that day, which pretty much made my month.

2) November is National Adoption Month! I'm still debating whether to take Mrs. R's challenge to post every single day. I did it last year and it was exhausting. But I think maybe I can do it. I'm going to try it for a few days and see what happens.

That is all. Thank you :)


A Life Being Lived said...

Isn't it funny how when you are having a really bum day, somehow the greatest video, email or pictures show up?

I'm considering Mrs. R's challenge too but think the internet may just be sick of me after 30 days straight!

Que and Brittany's Adoption Journey said...

I'm glad you're feeling better!!

Laura said...

Please do! Or cheat, and write 3-4 short ones at a time that are all set to post at future dates :)

Lara Zierke said...

I am going to try the challenge too. I did really good last year, but I almost feel like I've covered so much that I don't want to be redundant. Hmmm. I'll figure something out.