Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yeah, That's Right, I'm Everywhere

Today I have a guest post up at the AARKS Law birth mother blog. It's about what I thought I knew about adoption before I was a birth mother, and what I learned after I placed. Before I was a birth mother, I thought I knew absolutely everything there was to know, and after I placed, I learned what an idiot I used to be.

Anyway, click on over and give it a read. The intro is HERE and the post is HERE.


Savannah said...

Just read the post and I LOVED it. Facebook is hit and miss when I'm at work, but when its back up, I would like to link it on there, if that is okay with you.

Que and Brittany's Adoption Journey said...

I always love your guest posts! I'll go check them out.

Que and Brittany's Adoption Journey said...

I loved it, it was great! I'm so glad you got the chance to write that.

A Life Being Lived said...

I loved this post too! So honest and truthful. I would definitely recommend any woman considering adoption for their child to read this!

Chris, Dana and Addison: Hoping to Grow through Open Adoption said...

This was a great post. I really like the before and after breakdown. It has me thinking about what my "before" ideas are, as an prospective adoptive parent, and how there is always, always, always, more room to learn and grow...and most importantly, a need to keep an open mind throughout this entire journey. Thank you for your honest reflection.